A Guardian Angel ;)
Iphone 5
Ipad Mini
Result = 4 Flat
Sony Xperia Miro
White Gold Ring
Vincci High Heels
Curled hair
Huge Teddy Bear
Medical-Lab-Tech To Be
Siberian Cat

Monday, 24 June 2013


Hye hello ola mushi2. Bh sudah cukup intro. haha. Today's post pasal c mr crush. well bukan lh bh crush sya, sudah jadi Ex crush. Ex sebab mcm teda bh sudah perasaan sya sma dya semenjak sya break sma Ex sy Mr Capital N tuu. Well, orang bilang "kau takkan jatuh cinta sama orang kedua if kau betul2 chenta sayang sama orang pertama 2 kan ?" tak faham ? pa blh buat lh bebeh. apakan daya. Hahaha. it may sound cruel but that how's the world were. Eh ? entah apa lh ayat sya nye. Ngee

Well hari nye chatting full blast saya sama dya. Happy gilax2 nye sebab tetiba dya add sya d "LINE" pastu say hye lh kenok. Haha. Maka berchat lah kami dari pagi ke petang then malam dya cari saya lagii. Oh my gash ! Tetiba berdegup kenchang lagi bh jantung nye.. Heart skips a beat gittew. Oooppsss. Hahaha ! Nvm that. Tapi saya sama crush saya ada history masa d KML dulu. Masa cuti 2 kan, saya confess bha feeling saya sama dya. Aduhaii hanya Tuhan yang tahu betapa MALLUU nya saya mau buat 2 benda. X pernah k sya confess feel sya sma mna2 lelaki. Ego begitu and prinsip hidup lh kenok, mesti lelaki duluan yang confess sama saya baru saya mau terima dya kunun. Nye pun mau confess setelah d paksa2 oleh couzy2 beloved saya 2. hahaha. lalu saya confess lh, ayat saya 2 saya lupa sdh n yg dy rep pun sya lupa sdh. Tlampau banyak n terlalu fanjangs bha. haha. yg sya igt nye 1 word "i like you too" Okay that one word bikin saya beguling2 di katil sambil peluk c bear2 sambil tekidum2 memanjang. Wakakaka ! Memang senyum sedja lh tgk 2 hp. Ngee~~ Tapi kami x jalinkan apa2 hubungan. We didn't became lover or couple, instead we've became best friends that cared 'bout each other like lovers. Orang akan cakap "sudah confess, knapa x couple terus?" Well ada kesah lain disebalik itu but honestly I prefer to be his best friend rather than being his girlfriend. It may sound stupid but it's worth it. Why ? Cause when both of you became best friends, both of you can be much closer than a lover can be and no secrets between you will be hold. It may be hurt you deeply cause you are just being friend with the guy you love but as time goes by, you will get used to it. Trust me.

Besides, although you and him are lover and you both might be deeply in loved with each other and might be in a long term relationship but once your relationship end, you can't make sure that you both will speak or text to each other like old times. You might not being friends with him anymore. Right ? So , that is why we're not being together.

Anyway, I don't care 'bout it anymore. I like the 'us' right now. Speak and laugh like we've never confessed our feelings towards each other before and can talk all day long 'bout each other experience, 'bout our study place, friends and many more.

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